
Ingredients at a glance: Whether herbal, animal or mineral – here you will find a brief description of the active ingredients. The scope was deliberately “kept small” and serves as a suggestion. It is only an excerpt of the drug pictures and directions of action and does not save the real interested person from doing extensive literature studies.


Achillea millefolium

Achillea Millefolium, Yarrow Asteraceae; fresh above-ground plant parts at flowering time are used.


many different tendencies of bleeding important supplement/addition to the plant Arnica montana; Goes in hand with symptoms of Arnica montana such as bleeding and exhaustion, persistent bleeding mainly of the arterial blood system. Goes in hand with symptoms of Arnica montana such as bleeding and exhaustion, persistent bleeding mainly of the arterial blood system. bleeding of of the respiratory tract (nosebleed, blood cough (Haemoptysis)), uterine bleeding (after birth), bleeding of the genital-urinary area (haematuria) and traumatic injuries with bleeding; therefore Achillea millefolium may influence healingly haemorrhaging of different origins

Acidum arsenicosum

(white arsenic)
White Arsenic As2O2, Arsenicum album for homeopathic preparations.


inflammation and infections of all severities in all tissues and organs, ailments caused by wear, degenerative diseases, acute gastro-enteritis, diarrhoea with vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, general exhaustion, weakness, weight loss

Acidum formicicum

(formic acid)
Formic acid: the formic acid used does contain at least 24,0 % and at maximum 25,0 % (m/m) CH2O2.


rheumatic diseases of the muscles and joints, allergies and eczema, diseases of the respiratory tract.

Acidum phosphoricum

(diluted phosphoric acid)
Acidum phosphoricum, Phosphoric acid. (diluted phosphoric acid)


increasing the energy in a state of great exhaustion, outflow

Acidum silicicum

(Silicea, silex)
Silicea, rock crystal, silex, Used essence: precipitated silica (DAB)


‘Cure to boost constitution and strength’, chronic inflammation and purulence, tissue weakness in the bones and joint ligaments with weakness, boils, abscesses, congested and running colds

Aconitum napellus

(Garden monkshood)
Garden monkshood, Aconite Ranunculaceae; The fresh plants of Aconitum napellus L. are used in whole at the beginning of the flowering period.


at the beginning (acute phase) of an inflammatory disease, acute fever, highly acute, inflammatory diseases, colds with fever, illnesses caused by dry, cold wind, sensitivity to touch


Preparation and Parts Used: The mother tincture is prepared from the juice of the plant leaves.


effective for gastrointestinal tract diarrhoea of different genesis , colon, venous vessel system

Ammi visnaga

Ammi visnaga, toothpick-plant, toothpickweed, bisnaga, khella, or sometimes Bishop’s weed, Apiaceae


effective for due to its anticonvulsant qualities it is used for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases with hardly soluble mucus, spastic as well as crampy respiratory diseases (asthma)

Ammonium carbonicum

(hartshorn salt)
mixture of ammonium hydrogen carbonate and ammonium carbamate in changing proportions; at least 30 % of ammonia


effective for acute and chronic respiratory diseases with hardly soluble mucus, spastic respiratory diseases

Anamirta cocculus

Anamirta cocculus, Indian berry; fish berry; levant nut; Menispermaceae used parts are ripe, dried fruits


effective for weakness and exhaustion; functional disturbances of spinal cord and brain, vertigo, depressive dysphoria, fear and sadness, convalescence, for states of exhaustion during convalescence, geriatrics

Apis mellifica

Apis mellifica, honeybee


effective for inflammations and illnesses with accumulation of fluid in the tissue and body cavities; subacute inflammation of skin and mucous membranes, allergies and skin allergies,conjunctivitis

Argentum metallicum

(Metallisches Silber)
Argentum metallicum, SILVER- mineral


effective for antibacterial and antiviral, pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammations in the area of the mucous membranes

Arnica montana

Arnica montana L., the used plant parts are the dried subterranean plant parts of Arnica montana L.


effective for traumas/injuries of various origins and their consequences, wounds and injuries to the muscles, bones, periosteum, blood vessels, nervous tissue, connective tissue, consequences of traumas, distortion, contusion, arthritis, arthrosis, haemorrhaging, blood loss, as a major ‘trauma and wound healing cure’ or prophylactic, e.g. before and after surgery, with accident patients, after overexertion, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, “aspirin” of homeopathic medicine

Atropa bella-donna

Atropa bella-donna, the parts of the plant used are the fresh plants in whole without the lower woody parts of the stalk at the end of the flowering state.


effective for high-fever infection and inflammation of the respiratory tract, skin and joints, bovine flu, flu-like infection, tendency to acute high-fever colds, sensitivity to drafts and coldness, massive inflammations, cephalgia

Aurum metallicum

Aurum metallicum, metallic gold


effective for regulation and support in the gynaecological field, hormonal and functional disturbances of the reproductive organs, ovarian cysts, hardening of glandular organs, myomas, fertility disorder/sterility

Baptisia tinctoria

Baptisia tinctoria, yellow-broom, false indigo, horseflyweed, fresh underground growing plant parts are used


effective for central nervous system, mucous membranes, immune system, to improve the endogenous defence system , flu-like infections

Bellis perennis

(common daisy)
Bellis perennis, common daisy, Asteraceae use of the whole fresh plant during the flowering period.


effective for traumas of different origins and their results, wounds and injuries of the muscular system, consequences of overexertion, haemorrhage, contusion, arthritis, support of wound healing, traumatic and inflammatory diseases of the musculo-skeletal system

Berberis vulgaris

Berberis vulgaris, barberry used is the dried bark of the upper- and underground parts


effective for fur, skin, therapy and supporting therapy especially for chronic skin diseases, eczema (itches), exanthema, dermatitis of different origin, toneless and dull coat


(red berry fruit)
Red berry fruit, Bryonia, the fresh root of Bryonia cretica L. is processed before the flowering stage.


effective for acute inflammation of the respiratory organs; dry, painful coughing, influenza, cold, inflammation of the joints, an important agent for the muscoloskeletal system rheumatic and arthritic processes with any and all aetiologies

Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni

(calcarea carbonica)
Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Calcarea carbonica; used parts are: inner parts of oyster shells – Ostera edulis L., with a content of min. 90,0 % CaCO3, calculated on a dry matter basis


effective for chronic skin diseases and mucous membrane affections, weeping eczema, lack of appetite, emaciation, gastroenteritis with acid diarrhoea

Calcium fluoratum

Calcium fluoratum, fluorspar, Calcium fluoride; homeopathic preparation is made of selected pieces of crystal fluorspar from natural deposit


effective for udder, somatic cells, knotted and hardening glands, mammary fibroma

cattle: high cell count numbers occur repeatedly, sometimes followed by mastitis, also due to metabolic disorders detoxification therapy of chronic udder disorder

Calcium sulfuricum

(calcium sulphate)
Calcarea sulphurica, calcium sulphate, plaster of Paris; the homeopathic preparation is made from plaster of Paris by trituration.


effective for udder, somatic cells, fibroid suppuration processes and cystic tumors

Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis, Marigold, homeopathic preparation uses the fresh upper plant parts during the flowering season


effective for healing of injuries and their consequences on various tissue systems such as ligament, muscle and also joints inflammatory symptoms

Caulophyllum thalictroides

(squaw root)
Caulophyllum thalictroides, squaw root, blueberry root, Berberidaceae used are the fresh underground plant parts – harvest occurs in late summer


effective for contractions, birthing process , female genitals, inflammatory diseases of the uterus after birth, preparation for birthing, normalisation of contractions

Cephaelis ipecacuanha

Cephaelis ipecacuanha; used parts: dried roots of the plant.


effective for Bronchitis with secretion and spastic; bronchial asthma, running cold, circulatory disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, inflammation of the stomach lining, parvovirosis, blood in the milk.

Cetraria islandica

(icelandic moss)
Cetraria islandica, Icelandic moss, Lecanoromycetes


effective for bronchia, lungs, feverish colds, bovine flu, expectorant effects, it is believed that Cetraria islandica has slightly antibiotic and defence enhancing effects.

Chamomilla recutita

(Echte Kamille)
Chamomilla, German chamomile, matricaria chamomilla, Asteraceae; The fresh plant is used as a whole during the blossom period.


effective for digestion, respiratory system, cough and convulsive cough, bronchospasms, obstructive bronchitis Chamomilla is used in case of acute infects, chronic cough and allergy sufferers, acute infects of the respiratory system, druse, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, inflammatory reactions and pain symptoms, colic pains, spastic colic and gas colic, vomiting and watery diarrhoea.

Chelidonium majus

Celandine, Papaveraceae; the plant part used is the fresh rootstock with attached roots of Chelidonium majus L. in late autumn / at the beginning of winter.


Characteristics: A distinct factor is a strong, clearly tangible and audible heartbeat accompanied by a slow pulse. The liver function is almost always affected, so that a disturbed, reduced sense of well-being is noticeable before the specific symptoms of the illness are present. There is distinct hypersensitivity and swelling of the connective tissue on palpation in the Head’s zone of the liver, in particular right-sided and caudal to the scapula. Animals bend their heads distinctly downward during (spastic) coughing. Effective for: inflammations, chronic disorders of the liver/gall bladder system, spasms of the smooth muscles, inflammations of the respiratory organs, bronchitis, dry, cramping cough (bronchospasms).

Cinchona pubescens

(china officinalis)
Cinchona officinalis, China rubra, Peruvian bark, Rubiaceae; Part Used: dried powdered bark (tree trunks and branches)


effective for acute / chronic diseases, diseases caused by other pathogens (reduced or non reduced general condition), prophylactic measures for transport and change of stable, complementary treatment of inflammatory and feverish illnesses, to prevent and treat infectious diseases, influenza infections, intermittent fever, to treat general weakness, fatigue and exhaustion, headaches, neuralgia, muscle cramps, vital weakness among newborn animals, anaemic, cachectic conditions following over-exertion and during reconvalescence

Citrullus colocynthis

Citrullus colocynthis, colocynth, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, Cucurbitaceae; Parts used: dried, peeled fruits cleaned of seeds


effective for digestive organs, digestive disorders, cramps and colics of the gastrointestinal tract inclusive liver and gall bladder; supplementary treatment for painful infections of air sacs

Coffea arabica

Coffee, Coffea arabica L., Rubiaceae; use of ripe, dried, unroasted seeds without seed coat (silvery skin) of Coffea arabica L., containing not less than 1,0 percent of caffeine


effective for neuralgia, nervousness, nervous heart complaints, tonic effect on the cardiovascular system, calms by nervous overexcitation

Conium maculatum

(Gefleckter Schierling)
Conium maculatum, poison hemlock, poison parsley, Apiaceae; Parts used: fresh aboveground plant parts which are not yet fruiting


effective for general exhaustion in convalescence, geriatrics, senile stubbornness, hardening of glands and tissues, paralysis symptoms, vertigo, aversion towards company, sometimes associated with aggression

Convallaria majalis

Convallaria majalis, May bells, Our Lady’s tears Liliaceae; Parts used: fresh aboveground plant parts during the flowering time


effective for heart and circulatory disorders, acute and chronic heart failure, vascular weakness in the context of infectious diseases or intoxications heart and vascular diseases (age-related weak heart )


Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Crataegus laevigata (Poir.), Rosaceae; Used parts of the plants are fresh ripe fruits of Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC, Crataegus monogyna Jacq. and its crossbreeds as well as a blended form of them.


effective for Pre-insufficiency of the heart in older animals, cardiac insufficiency with presence of cardiac anomalies, angina pectoris

Cyclamen purpurascens

Cyclamen purpurascens, Primulaceae; Parts used: fresh underground parts in autumn


effective for uterus, menstrual disorder, hormonal and functional disorders, disorders/ imbalances of uterus and / or ovaries, support / balance of the hormonal system and the gynaecological field

Daphne mezereum

Daphne mezereum, February daphne, spurge laurel, Thymelaeaceae; Parts used: fresh bark of branches before blossoming


effective for skin diseases, eczemas, dermatitis, itchy dermatosis with seborrhoea and hyperkeratosis, small itching pustules with purulent content, impetiginous or follicular, also matching the Mezerum spectrum when bacterially secundary infected, result of suppression of dermatological symptoms to neuralgic pain.

Datura stramonium

Datura stramonium, thorn apple, jimsonweed, Solanaceae; Parts used: fresh upper plant parts during blossoming


effective for stress, nerves, restlessness, nervousness and emotional stress conditions of different origins, for example transport or regrouping


Echinacea angustifolia, narrow-leaf coneflower, Parts used: the whole fresh plants during blossoming


effective for inflammatory processes, feverish illnesses, to boost the immune system

Eriodictyon californicum

(Yerba santa)
Eriodictyon californicum yerba santa (sacred herb), Boraginaceae


effective for respiratory system, acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory organs with slightly soluble mucus, spastic respiratory illnesses

Eupatorium perfoliatum

(Common boneset)
Eupatorium perfoliatum, common boneset, Asteraceae; Parts used: fresh above-ground plant parts at the start of the flowering period.


effective for flu with general painfulness, positive effects on the body’s defence systems, flu-like infections

Eupatorium purpureum

(Joe-Pye Weed)
Eupatorium purpureum, Joe-Pye Weed, Asteraceae; Parts used: fresh subterranean parts after blossoming


effective for urinary tract, bladder, kidneys, bacterial and toxic inflammation in the kidney tissue as well as the bladder tissue

Euphrasia officinalis

Euphrasia officinalis, eyebright, Scrophulariaceae; Parts used: whole fresh plant of Euphr. stricta and Euphr. rostkoviana during the flowering season


effective for conjunctiva, upper respiratory organs, therapy and supporting therapy of viral and bacterial infectious diseases, colds/flu-like infections, cat cold

Ferrum phosphoricum

(Phosphorsaures Eisen)
Ferrum phosphoricum, water content ferrum (III)-phosphat, containing at least 34,0 and a maximum of 37,0 % FE (Ar 55,85), based on the substance which is dried at a temperature of 200°C


effective for acute bronchopneumonia of calves, feverish inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, flu-like illnesses, prophylaxis of cold and beginning cold, illnesses of the spine

Gelsemium sempervirens

(Yellow jasmine)
Gelsemium sempervirens, yellow jessamine or jasmine, Loganiaceae; Parts used: fresh subterranean plant parts


effective for heart and vascular diseases (among others senile heart)


Glonoinum, nitroglycerin, solution of Glycerol nitrate in Ethanol 96%


effective for cardiovascular system, central nervous system; Glonoinum is effective against stenocardia and angina pectoris due to its vaso dilatativ qualities e.g. on the coronary arteries; improvement of the blood circulation and oxygen supply of the heart


Graphites, plumbago, natural graphite


effective for skin (among others), therapy and supporting therapy of chronic skin disorders, ekzema (itchy, dry, cracked, rough skin), dermatitis of diferent origins

Grindelia robusta

Grindelia robusta, gumweed, Asteraceae; Parts used: dried above-ground plant parts during the flowering season


effective for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system with poorly soluble mucus, spastic respiratory diseases

Hamamelis virginiana

(Virginische Zaubernuss)
Hamamelis virginica, witch hazel, winterbloom, snapping hazelnut, Hamamelidaceae; Parts used: fresh of roots and branches


effective for Hamamelis is a remedy of the Ferrum-group, especially important for the treatment of haemorrhage symptoms Hamamelis tends to cover the passive venous vascular system, which is reflected by the dark blood. It is an excellent agent to treat varicose veins; an excellent remedy / therapy for inflammation and pain, venous congestion, dilatation of the veins ( e.g. varicosities) passive bleeding; nosebleed, external or internal eye bleeding haemorrhage of stomach and intestines, bleeding of the bladder, varicose veins and ulcus cruris are some of the striking symptoms of Hamamelis disease patterns.

Hepar sulfuris

Hepar sulfuris calcareum; used substance is generated by annealing of a mixture of Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni and Sulphur.


effective for important homoeopathic agent to treat inflammation and purulence of the skin and mucous membranes, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, extremely painful ear infections, sensitive to the touch, especially in dogs (otitis)

Hydrastis canadensis

Hydrastis canadensis, Goldenseal, Ranunculaceae; Parts used: subterranean plant parts


effective for conjunctiva, upper respiratory organs,remedy for mucous membranes, therapy and supporting therapy of viral and bacterial infectious diseases, colds/flu-like infections, cat cold

Hypericum perforatum

(St. John’s wort)
Hypericum Rh., St. John’s wort, Hypericaceae; the used parts of the plant are: fresh overground parts of Hypericum perforatum during flowering time.


effective for Injuries to the peripheral or central nervous system. Nerve contusion, pierces, cuts or grazes; also known as ‘arnica for the nerves’

Juniperus sabina

Juniperus sabina; savin, Cupressaceae; used parts: not woodened latest plant tips with leaves of Juniperus Sabina L.


effective for agent used post-partum;uterine haemorrhaging, endometritis,, inflammation of the urinary and genital organs.

to induce afterbirth expulsion;

atonic or inflammatory congestion of the uterus, red and light red uterine fluids, lochiometra, endometritis puerperalis, aetiologic often difficult and painful with bruises in the lumbar and sacral region, indicated post partum for cattle, pigs, as well as mares; Sabina has proven its worth in the field of losening the secundinae in cattle and horses

Kalium iodatum

(potassium iodate)
Kalium iodatum, potassium iodate


effective for mucous membranes, musculoskeletal system, feverish colds, bovine flu, suitable for the subacute stage of the illnesses of the upper respiratory tract which show excessive formation of mucus and reduced gas exchange


Bushmasters, Lachesis mutus. The used substance is the gently tried poison of Lachesis mutus (L.).


effective for the main effects are considered to be on all infectious diseases with septic progression; furthermore all septic wounds with necrosis and gangrenous processes, blood poisoning; endometritis, metritis, MMA complex, left-sided cysts on the ovaries, angina tonsillaris, weakness of the heart and circulatory system, nerve pain, cramps, palsy.

Lilium lancifolium

(tiger lily)
Lilium lancifolium, tiger lily, Liliaceae; Parts used: fresh plant in blossom without bulb


effective for inflammation of the female reproductive organs

Lobelia inflata

Lobelia inflata, Indian tobacco; Parts used: the whole fresh plant in blossom


effective for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system with poorly soluble mucous, spastic diseases of the respiratory system

Lophophytum leandri

(Flor de piedra)
Lophophytum leandri, the whole dried plant of Lophophytum leandri Eichler is used.


effective for chronic and toxic liver damage, bovine acetonaemia, especially after parturient paresis and their secondary conditions (ketosis, tetany), improvement in general well-being following prolonged antibiotic or sulfonamide therapy, indigestion ante- and postpartum, following septic mastitis

Luffa operculata

(sponge cucumber)
Luffa operculata, sponge cucumber, wild loofa, Cucurbitaceae; Parts used: dried fruit


effective for conjunctiva, upper respiratory organs, therapy and supporting therapy of viral and bacterial infectious diseases, colds/flu-like infections, cat cold

Lycopodium clavatum

(common club moss)
Lycopodium clavatum, common club moss, stag’s-horn clubmoss, running clubmoss Lycopodiaceae; parts used: dried ripe spores


effective for liver, poor digestion caused by enzym disorders, disorders of assimilation and dissimilation weak muscles, general weakness, expectorant properties, return to heat of cows, cysts, ovarian inflammations, ovarian cysts mainly on the right side, menstrual disorders, inflammations of female reproductive organs, intermittent fever, alternating shaking chill and heat, enzyme activation

Melissa officinalis

(Lemon balm)
Melissa, Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), Lamiaceae


effective for stress, nerves, anxiety and unrest, nervosity of different origins, for example transport and regrouping of the animals

Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni

(Ammonio-nitrate mercury)
Mercurius solubilis, ammonio-nitrate mercury


effective for traumatic injuries and inflammatory diseases also of the musculoskeletal system, inflammatory symptoms

Natrium chloratum

(Sodium chloride)
Natrum muriaticum, sodium chloride


effective for skin diseases, mucous membranes, toneless and dull coat, eczema, dermatitis, gastrointestinal tract, food allergies, intolerances

Natrium sulfuricum

(Glauber’s salt)
Natrum sulphuricum, Glauber’s salt, sodium sulphate.


effective for diarrhoea from various causes, food intolerances, intestine-liver-and-gall bladder-disorders with diarrhoea, colic and hepatopathy

Okoubaka aubrevillei

(bark of okoubaka)
Okoubaka aubrevillei, used parts: aboveground parts of dried bark of Okoubaka aubrevillei


effective for digestive disorders due to intoxications and/or infections, e.g. contaminated food, gastrointestinal complaints because of anti-biotic treatments

Panax ginseng

(Asian ginseng Araliaceae)
Panax ginseng, Asian ginseng Araliaceae; Parts used: dried roots of the plant


effective for tonic to treat exhaustion, during reconvalescence and nervous exhaustion, cardiovascular and circulatory illnesses (e.g. senile heart), tonic to treat nervous exhaustion of any kind, invigoration of the adrenal cortex, increased production of leukocytes, strogenic qualities


(Yellow Phosphor)
Phosphorus D12, Gelber Phosphor


veffective for weakness, exhaustion, fatigue and convalescence, inflammatory metabolism disorder of bones and partly serious infections or chronic skin- and mucosa diseases, life-weak of newborns, optimization of ATP synthesis, flu-like infection with weakness, pneumonia, inflammations, bleeding tendency, strong tendency to release blood out of debilitated and hurt blood vessels/capillaries, light red bleeding may occur locally in different organs (e.g. lung, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, bladder);

ulcers and outgrowths

petechial haemorrhages; increased permeability of the capillaries, particularly the veins, the blood vessels are fragile and permeable;

collapse of blood cells strongly affects different organs e.g. liver and spleen and causes degenerative changes of the organs; bloody diarrhoea and vomiting; uterine bleeding immediately following birth; Phosphorus is regarded as a strong homoepathic constitutional remedy; therefore it is applied in cases of acute and chronic injury

Phytolacca americana

Phytolacca americana, pokeweed; used parts: fresh roots of Phytolacca americana L in autumn.


effective for highly feverish infections, inflammations and diseases of the udders, acute, feverish mastitis, delayed release of milk, sluggish flow of milk, mucous membrane inflammation, especially in the respiratory organs.

Podophyllum peltatum

Podophyllum peltatum, mayapple, Berberidaceae; Parts used: fresh underground parts of the fruits when ripe


effective for stomach, intestine, liver, diarrhoea of different origin, diarrhoea with vomiting, acute gastroenteritis

Potentilla erecta

(Tormentilla erecta)
Potentilla erecta, Tormentilla erecta, Rosaceae


effective for gastrointestinal tract, diarrhoea of different origin

Pulsatilla pratensis

(meadow pasqueflower)
Pulsatilla, meadow pasqueflower; used parts: the whole fresh plants of Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill during blossoming


effective for inflammation of the respiratory tract, chronic mucous membrane catarrh, mild secretion, tough, green-yellow; mucous membrane diseases in the gastrointestinal region, sluggish digestion, inflammation and disorders of the female genital organs, chronic endometritis, oestrus cycle overextended, silent oestrus


(extract from autolysed meat)
Pyrogenium-Nosode, extract from autolysed meat


effective for local and general infections, septicaemia, dissociation of pulse and temperatur: high fever and slow pulse, quick puls and low fever, normal or insufficient temperature. injected scleral vessels, bloody, bloody- serosanguinous imbibition of the tissue. secretions and excretions have a stinking smell; breath, vomit , diarhoea, lochia are stinking, carrion-like; much thirst quote from: „Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin“, S.1 / 99, 13. Jahrgang, Dezember 1999, Dr. E.-P. Andresen

Ranunculus bulbosus

(bulbous buttercup)
Ranunculus bulbosus, bulbous buttercup, Ranunculaceae; Parts used: the whole fresh plant during the flowering season


effective for joints, rheumatic and arthritic processes of different etiologies, inflammations of the synovial membrane (synovialis), of the cartilage and of the muscles

Rhus toxicodendron

Toxicodendron quercifolium, poisonsumach; used parts: fresh young not woody shoots of Rhus toxicodendron L. with leaves.


effective for ligament cure, distortions, muscular and joint rheumatism, traumatic symptoms of tendons and sinews, itching skin diseases, inflammations of the respiratory tract and the gastro-intestinal tract

Ruta graveolens

(common rue)
Ruta graveolens [L. strong smelling rue], rue, common rue or herb-of-grace, Rutaceae; Parts used: fresh aboveground parts of the plant at the begin of bloom


effective for musculoskeletal system, central nervous system injuries of different origin and their impacts to ligaments, joints and musculature consequences of overexertion

Schoenocaulon officinale

Schoenocaulon officinale, Sabadilla; Parts used: ripe dried seed


effective for respiratory tract, conjunctiva, upper respiratory organs, therapy and supporting therapy of viral and bacterial infectious diseases, colds/flu-like infections, cat cold

Secale cornutum

Secale cornutum, ergot; Parts used: dried sklerotium grown on the rye cultivars of Claviceps purpurea (ergot fungus)


effective for female genitals, preparation for birthing/support of the birthing process expulsion of the after-birth, support of the muscle of the uterus due to mild tonic effects

Selenicereus grandiflorus

Cactus grandiflorus, Selenicereus grandiflorus, Cactaceae; Parts used: fresh young stems and flowers


effective for inflammatory heart diseases, cardiovascular disorders and diseases, acute and chronic heart failure, senile heart


(Common cuttlefish)

Sepia, common cuttlefish, caphalopod, Sepiidae; Parts used: dried secretion of the ink gland of the cuttlefish


effective for infectious diseases during the postpartum period, prevention and therapy of the MMA complex of sows, infected secundinae, lochiometra, endometritis, puerperalis, bronchopneumonia, nephritis, cystitis

Serenoa repens

(Saw palmetto)
Serenoa repens, saw palmetto


effective for genitals, urinary tract, preparation for birthing/support of the birthing process, expulsion of the after-birth, normalisation of the hormone functions, with regard to successful new occupancy, stimulation of hormonal control circuits and the succeeding cycles

Solanum dulcamara

(Bittersweet nightshade)
Solanum dulcamara, bittersweet nightshade, Solanaceae; Parts used: fresh shoots before the flowering stage


effective for antiviral effect and stimulation of the immune system, acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, treatment of bacterial and toxic inflammation in the kidney tissue and bladder lining

Solidago virgaurea

(European goldenrod)
Solidago virgaurea, European goldenrod, woundwort, Asteraceae; Parts used: fresh inflorescences


effective for BLADDER/URINARY TRACT-KIDNEYS, acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, normalisation of the urine flow and excretion, treatment of bacterial amd toxic inflammation in the kidney tissue and bladder lining

Spigelia anthelmia

Spigelia anthelmia, Wormseed, Wormwood, Loganiaceae; Parts used: dried aboveground plant parts


effective for central nervous system, cardiovascular system, heart and circulation disorders, acute and chronic cardiac insufficiency, vascular weakness during infectious diseases or intoxications

Strophanthus gratus

(Strophanthus hispidus)
Strophanthus gratus, Strophanthus hispidus, hispid strophanthus, twisted flower, Apocynaceae; Parts used: dried seeds which are exempted from awn-like appendices


effective for cardiovascular system, cardiac insufficiency, tachycardia, chronic nervous palpitations of the heart, dyspnea (shortness of breath), acut heart cycle failure/cardiovascular failure, exhaustion during the recovery phase

Strychnos nux-vomica

Poison nut, Strychnos nux vomica L.; used parts: dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux vomica L. containing at least 1,5 percent Strychnine and Brucine of which containing at least 43 and at most 62 percent Strychnine.


effective for type agent for cattle (digestive disorders with liver disease), dilated rumen due to excessive content; diarrhoea, gastritis with vomiting, but no thirst, colic in horses, to purge following consumption of toxic substances


(Sublimed sulphur)
Sulphur, Sulfur depuratum, sublimed sulphur


effective for skin diseases, eczema, dermatitis

For Horses: itchy eczema, dermatomycoses, bacterial and allergic dermatitis

Symphytum officinale

Symphytum officinale, comfrey, knitbone, Boraginaceae; Used parts: fresh root gathered before the plant blooms.


effective for treatment of disorders of the musculo-skeletal system, traumatic and inflammatory symptoms, inflammatory diseases of the musculo-skeletal system, diseases of bones and joints, tendinitis, injuries of different origins and their consequences, wounds and injuries
of bones, periosteum

Tarantula hispanica

Spanish spider, Lycosa tarantula, Aranea tarantula, Arachnida; used parts: entire animal


effective for claws, necroses, panaritium, tail tip necroses, necrobazillosis, diphteroid of calves, Moderhinke, infected scurf/malanders, withers fistula, thrombophlebitis, abscesses

Thuja occidentalis

Thuja occidentalis, arborvitae, evergreen coniferous tree, Cupressaceae; used parts: fresh branches with leaves collected before the flowers appear.


effective for direct antiviral and antibacterial effect, antifungal/antimycotic, warts, plantar warts – also for external application as a mother tincture or Thuja external, chronic inflammation of the skin or mucous membrane, nasal congestion/a stuffy nose, chronic congested colds, sinusitis.

Turnera diffusa

Turnera diffusa, damiana, Passifloraceae; Parts used: dried destemmed leaves blossoms and young parts of the stem axis during the flowering season


effective for reproductive organs, anti-inflammatory, sexual weakness


(African Geranium)
Umckaloabo, African Geranium, Geraniaceae; Parts used: roots


effective for commonly used for infections, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-oxidative acute and chronical diseases caused by viral or other pathogens (with or without reduction of the general condition)

Valeriana officinalis

(Common valerian)
Valeriana officinalis, Common valerian, Valerianaceae; Parts used: underground dried plant parts


effective for stress, nerves, restlessness, nervousness and emotional stress conditions of different origins, for example transport or regrouping

Veratrum album

(False hellborine)
Veratrum album, false helleborine, white hellebore, European white hellebore Melanthiaceae; Parts used: the dried rootstock with its roots


effective for effective treatment of weak circulation and circulatory failure due to the effects on the the vasomotoric centres of the vessels followed by vasodilatation and reduction of the blood pressure as well as a reduction in the frequency; diarrhoea , exhaution and weakness with circulatory collapse

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

(White Swallow-wort)

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, white swallow-wort, Apocynaceae; Parts used: fresh leaves


effective for antiviral effect, antitoxic effect, is referred to as an antidote for pathogen toxins antiphlogistic

Vitex agnus-castus

(Chaste tree)
Vitex agnus-castus, chaste tree, Verbenaceae; Parts used: ripened and dried fruits


effektiver for reproductive organs, hormonal and functional disorders, regulation of the hormonal system, infertility, suppressed sexual drive, slackness of the genitalia

Yohimbinum hydrochloricum

(Yohimbe tree)
Yohimbinum hydrochloricum, Yohimbe tree, Pausinystalia johimbe, Rubiaceae; Parts used: bark


effective for hormonal and functional disorders, sexual weakness, infertility regulation of the hormonal system, hormonal derailment